Buffer: A company that Inspires Me.

Buffer: A company that Inspires Me.


2 min read

For my week 2 post for the #4articlesin4weeks I'll be writing about the company/start-up that inspires me the most and why. That company is Buffer.

What is buffer and what do they do?๐Ÿง๐Ÿง

Buffer is a multi-purpose social media marketing software tool. Buffer's core feature is the ability to draft and schedule posts for sharing across multiple social networks including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Why Buffer Inspires Me.

The following are reasons I love buffer and why I'm motivated by this company:

  1. Transparency Screenshot (5).png Buffer's Revenue Dashboard One of buffer's core values is transparency. They are transparent about every single thing, from the salaries they pay their staff to how much revenue the company makes. This is great because they not only show the good times, they also show when things are rocky. Basically, they embrace building in public and keep it real. They even have open source code, it's amazing.
  2. Inclusiveness and Diversity๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฟโ€๐Ÿคโ€๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿฟ Screenshot (6).png Buffer's Diversity Dashboard So far I seen 3 Nigerians & BIPOC folks hired at buffer and earning really good pay. I've also seen a ton of queer folks working at buffer. Buffer has a salary formula to ensure they pay staff fairly, so the color of your skin doesn't matter. If I had my own company, this is something I'd love to embody as a founder. If you have the skills, you deserve the job regardless of your location or skin-tone.

If you live in Nigeria or a minority country, you can relate to how hard it is to get a good paying remote jobs as a minority.

3.They genuinely care about small business.
Small Business are so important for the economy. Buffer loves helping small businesses thrive, their pricing is very affordable for small business owners. These days I see solution built for small business owner that aren't affordable/accessible to business owners


Buffer is a value-driven company that is actually providing affordable solutions for small business owners and that is simply the reason why it inspires me. Thanks for reading my week 2 article, let me know what company's/start-up's inspire you in the comments๐Ÿ‘‡