Why HTML is a must for every website.

HTML is basically the backbone of web development. In this article, I'll be explaining the concept of HTML and why it is a must for every website.

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper-Text Mark-up Language. It tells a browser how it should display contents of a web page. Simply put, HTML gives a website STRUCTURE. HTML files are saved with a .html extension.

Why is HTML important?

HTML is an industry standard and is understood by all web browsers. It is also important in helping you get discovered on the search engine results page.

Common HTML tags

HTML tags are enclosed in angle brackets "<>", and they contain elements and attributes.

  • HTML: This tag simply opens and closes the html document.

  • body: This contains all the content of the webpage.

  • Tîtle tag

  • head tag: This is the head tag and provides information about the webpage to search engines.

  • H1-H6: The heading tags, h1 is the main heading. H2 - H6 are the subheading tags.

  • Comment tag(<! — — !> )
    This allows you to make a comment in the html file.

  • Paragraph tag < -- <p>

  • The anchor tag

    <a >
  • Order list tag:Used in creating an ordered list

  • Unordered list tag: Used in creating an unordered list.

  • List tag: This is used ion creating a list item
  • The div tag: Used for creating a container
  • The footer tag: Used for creating the footer element of a page.
  • The header tag: Used for creating the header of the website.
  • Navigation Tag:This is used in creating a navigation bar
  • Man Tag:This contains the main contents of the webpage
  • Image tag:This is used in inserting an image on the webpage.
  • <br>
    This is used in breaking a line.
  • The table tag: This creates a table
  • Superscript tag: This is used in writing a superscript text
  • Subscript tag: Used for writing a subscript text.
  • Bold tag: This makes a text bold
  • Underline tag: used to underline a text.
  • Italics tag: This makes a text italicized.
  • Small tag: This makes a text small.
  • Form tag: It is used to create html form for user.
  • Radio button tag: It is used to select only one option from the given options.
    <input type="radio">
  • Meta tag: It is used to specify the page description. It's really helpful in ranking better on the search results page.
  • Drop-down option tag: It is used to select an option from a drop-down list.
  • Emphasis tag: It is used to renders as emphasized text.
  • Button tag: Used to create a button
  • Section tag: Used to define a section
  • Article Tag: This specifies self-contained content
  • Audio tag: This is used to add audio to a webpage.
  • Progress tag: Used to show a progress bar
    <progress id="" value="" max="1">
  • Time tag: It defines the time and date on a webpage.
  • Code Tag: Used for placing a piece of code in the file.
  • Canvas tag:This is a container for drawing graphics.
  • SVG tag: It is used for creating a container for svg elements.
  • Abbreviation tag: Used for abbreviation.


  • Geeksforgeeks
  • W3schools
  • Mozilla docs